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doTERRA Ginger (Gember) Essential Oil - 15ml
The translation of "Krachtige en verwarmende eigenschappen" to English is "Powerful and warming p...
Ginger essential oil, 15 ml.
Schachenmayr Catania - 00173 - hellblau - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is 100% cotton, 125 meters/50 grams.
00173 - light blue
Schachenmayr Catania - 00388 - terracotta - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text "00288 - terracotta" does not appear to be in a foreign language that needs translation to English. It seems to be a combination of numbers and the word "terracotta," which is already an English term that refers to a type of earthenware or a color resembling fired clay. If you have a specific context in mind, please provide more details for accurate assistance.
AdroitGoods USB Bluetooth Aux Receiver Ontvanger - Auto - Bluetooth 5
✔ Free shipping ✔ Free returns ✔ 2-year warranty
🚀 Ordered before 22:00, delivered FREE tomorrow
AdroitGoods Lightning naar 3.5 mm Jack Adapter - Compatibel met iPhone - Aux
✔ Free shipping ✔ Free returns ✔ 2-year warranty
🚀 Order by 22:00, delivered FREE tomorrow
AdroitGoods USB C naar Aux Adapter - USB C naar Headphone Jack
✔ Free shipping ✔ Free returns ✔ 2-year warranty
🚀 Ordered before 22:00, delivered FREE tomorrow
Vetra Vatensleutel Universeel
Universal drum wrench for opening drums and oil barrels
Sustainable, versatile, ergonomic, stainless, adjustable.
Schachenmayr Catania - 00146 - pfau - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is 100% cotton, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text "00146 - pfau" does not contain a sentence or phrase to translate entirely. However, "pfau" is German for "peacock" in English. If this is part of a larger text or code, please provide more context for an accurate translation.
Schachenmayr Catania - 00164 - jeans - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text is "00164 - jeans," which is already in English. It appears to be a code or identifier followed by the word "jeans."
Schachenmayr Catania - 00241 - golfgrün - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton yarn, 125 meters/50 grams.
00241 - golf green
Schachenmayr Catania - 00247 - wolke - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text "wolke" is German for "cloud."
Schachenmayr Catania - 00253 - jade - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton yarn, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text "00253 - jade" does not require translation as "00253" is a number and "jade" is already in English. If this was meant to be translated from a specific language or context, please provide additional details.
Schachenmayr Catania - 00269 - graublau - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton yarn, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text "graublau" is German and translates to "gray-blue" in English.
Schachenmayr Catania - 00380 - kachelblau - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton yarn, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text "00380 - kachelblau" can be translated to English as "00380 - tile blue."
Schachenmayr Catania - 00394 - burgund - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton yarn, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text "burgund" appears to be incomplete or possibly a typo. If it is meant to be "Burgund," it could refer to "Burgundy," which is a region in France. If this is not what you intended, please provide more context for an accurate translation.
Schachenmayr Catania - 00399 - malve - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text "00399 - malve" appears to be a code followed by a word in Italian. The word "malve" translates to "mallows" in English, which are flowering plants.
Schachenmayr Catania - 00400 - ocean - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text "00400 - ocean" appears to be a combination of numbers and a word in English. If you are looking for a translation of the word "ocean" from another language to English, please specify the language. However, if "ocean" is already in English, it does not require translation. If there is a specific context or language you are referring to, please provide more details.
Schachenmayr Catania - 00403 - vanille - 100% gemerceriseerd katoen
Schachenmayr Catania is a 100% cotton yarn, 125 meters/50 grams.
The text "00403 - vanille" translates to "00403 - vanilla" in English.